Acta Pintériana

A Ferences Kutató Tanárok Tudományos Körének folyóirata

ISSN 2416-2124

Szerzők/Authors: Bagyinszki P. Á., Mészáros L. & Szeiler Zs.

Cím: Antropogenezis: Az ember biológiai, szellemi, valamint vallási dimenzióinak megjelenése.

Title: Antropogenesis: The Emergence of the Biological, Mental and Religious Dimensions of Humans.

Év/Year: 2019. Kötet/Volume: 5. Oldal/Pages: 37-59.

DOI: 10.29285/actapinteriana.2019.5.37

Letöltés/Download: pdf

Abstract: In the first part of this study the palaeontological and biological background of human evolution is discussed. The phylogeny of humans and apes diverged less than 10 million years ago. The 7-3 million year old Sahelantropus, Ardipithecus, Australopithecus species found in Africa belong to the evolutional trend that leads to the modern humans. Homo genus appeared 2.5 million years ago and our ancestor Homo sapiens migrated from Africa to the North approximately 200 000 years ago and then radiated across the Earth. Modern humans mainly differ from other mammals anatomically in having a significantly larger brain. This phenomenon first appeared 200 000 years ago in Africa. Other anatomical characteristics that are required for human communication like the mentum on the chin developed only later. These features supported the development of the human mind. The appearance of the Cro-magnon culture 35 000 years ago reflects the product of this process. The second part of this study begins with the clarification of the cultural-historically strained and confused concepts of „soul”, „spirit”, and „conscious”. The article presents the phylogenetic transition from matter to spirit following Karl Rahner, who finds radical self-transcendence in the appearance of the human conscious. Rahner’s perspective enables the theological discussion of the hominization frontier by viewing mankind as beings called upon by God and „Hearers of the Word”.

Folyóirat/Journal: Acta Pintériana ISSN: 2416-2124

Szerkesztő/Editor:: Bagyinszki P. Á.