Acta Pintériana

A Ferences Kutató Tanárok Tudományos Körének folyóirata

ISSN 2416-2124

Szerző/Author: Csik T.

Cím: Assisi Szent Ferenc és Melek al-Kámil szultán találkozója 1219-ben. Egy 800 évvel ezelőtti esemény történelmi háttere és a „vallásközi dialógus” lehetősége az V. keresztes hadjárat éveiben.

Title: The Meeting between Saint Francis of Assisi and Sultan Melek al-Kamil in 1219. The Historical Background of an Event Happened 800 Years ago and the Possibility of the Interreligious Dialogue in the Years of the Fifth Crusade.

Év/Year: 2019. Kötet/Volume: 5. Oldal/Pages: 143-165.

DOI: 10.29285/actapinteriana.2019.5.143

Letöltés/Download: pdf

Abstract: This study presents the historical background of the meeting between Saint Francis of Assisi and the Egyptian Sultan, al-Kámil in 1219. In one respect, due to the lack of reliable historical sources, as well as the particular nature of the historical interpretation, we can only write about one aspect of the meeting held during the bloody events of the Fifth Crusade. On the basis of the specialized literature and the sources referring to the meeting indirectly, it has been verifiable that the real aftermath of the meeting appeared as an exemplary model for the initiative of an interreligious dialogue. As the summary of the study it is important to emphasize that the precondition of a successful dialogue between religions was the participants' openness towards each other and the assessment of the actual relationship of power as well as the political circumstances on a realistic way.

Folyóirat/Journal: Acta Pintériana ISSN: 2416-2124

Szerkesztő/Editor:: Bagyinszki P. Á.