Acta Pintériana

A Ferences Kutató Tanárok Tudományos Körének folyóirata

ISSN 2416-2124

Szerző/Author: Szoliva G.

Cím: Ki írta a Kájoni-graduále gregorián hangjegyeit? Egy zenei paleográfiai vizsgálat tanulságai.

Title: Who made the musical notation of the Kájoni gradual? Results of a recent paleographical analysis.

Év/Year: 2020. Kötet/Volume: 6. Oldal/Pages: 35-46.

DOI: 10.29285/actapinteriana.2020.6.35

Letöltés/Download: pdf

Abstract: A manuscript gradual of Joannes Kájoni (Kájoni János), written on paper, is kept in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, under the shelf mark K 786. Kájoni, the renowned Franciscan church musician, compiled it for personal use in 1681, when he was the guardian of the convent of Csíksomlyó (now Şumuleu Ciuc, Romania). The most detailed examination of the codex so far was published by Magdolna Forrai in 1972. I was able to identify five hands in the manuscript, not counting Kájoni’s own, as, at some stage after 1681, antiphons, metric mass ordinaries and the Te Deum were added to the original content. The codex remained in use until the nineteenth century. Its most valuable section is the Franciscan gradual written by Kájoni himself. He notated this part using cursive Hungarian musical notation, and not the standard quadratic neumes used in the order, although, he certainly had quadratic models. He did not complete his work; probably one of his students continued the copying of the gradual from the second part of the Easter Vigil onwards. Unfortunately, he did not reach the end of the church year either, stopping at the fifth Sunday after Trinity. Nevertheless, Kájoni’s manuscript is a primary source of the church music of seventeenth-century Csíksomlyó, reflecting the wide musical knowledge and practical liturgical concerns of its major Franciscan scribe.

Folyóirat/Journal: Acta Pintériana ISSN: 2416-2124

Szerkesztők/Editors: Bagyinszki P. Á., Mészáros L. & Kámán V.