Acta Pintériana

A Ferences Kutató Tanárok Tudományos Körének folyóirata

ISSN 2416-2124

Szerző/Author: Várnai J.

Cím: Levelek Rómából, 1966: Adalékok a Ferences Rend zsinati megújulásának történetéhez.

Title: Letters from Rome: Some Historical Sources on the Post-Conciliar Renewal of the Franciscan Order.

Év/Year: 2020. Kötet/Volume: 6. Oldal/Pages: 89-117.

DOI: 10.29285/actapinteriana.2020.6.89

Letöltés/Download: pdf

Abstract: The article is basically the Hungarian translation of the 15 letters written by Lothar Hardick OFM to his Minister provincial Dietmar Westemeyer between 13 April and 22 June, 1966, from the General Curia of the Franciscan Order in Rome. Hardick was a member of the international commission of the Order working on preparing the draft of the new General Constitutions after the 2nd Vatican Council, on the basis of a dialogue with the friars in each Province. The letters give an insight into the working method of the commission and into the principles that guided the renewal of the Order in the years immediately following the Council.

Folyóirat/Journal: Acta Pintériana ISSN: 2416-2124

Szerkesztők/Editors: Bagyinszki P. Á., Mészáros L. & Kámán V.